Skateboarding Protective Gear

The Best Elbow and Knee Pads for Skateboarding in 2022 [Review and Buying Guide]

Updated Feb 17, 2022protec knee pads

Most skaters would agree, if you are falling, you’re trying! To remedy this inevitable part of skating, some boarders will wear protective knee and elbow pads for skateboarding. This can greatly improve the shelf life of your joints and not to mention it will keep your parent or spouse from freaking out about holes in your jeans.

The Kneepads in this review also provide this protection without being too bulky or difficult to transport on a whim. Remembering them on your next trip to the park will not be an issue. A few considerations like this have been made when concluding. What a pad is made of, its quality, and overall price, are all very important factors that could easily turn a skater away, especially if they are already on the fence about buying pads in the first place.

Veteran skaters even can appreciate the quality and usability of the selections we have made. And although this is an article geared towards skateboarding, these Pads are designed for a broad range of action sports.

The Best Elbow and Knee Pads for Skateboarding 2021 Buying Guide


One interesting thing about the material incorporated in each of the selections below is the inclusion of Ballistic Nylon. Developed by DuPont, as a material to be worn by World War II aviators during combat, this stuff should protect you on any surface you can ride a skateboard on. An important feature we considered was that the pads were not too bulky and that they appeared to be ergonomic and also allowed movement for intense skating.

Usually, elbow and kneepads that include a high-density plastic shell (like these do) are only good if that plastic is attached to the padding with a reinforced rivet. Each of the selections below contains metal rivets that lend not only to safety but to the durability of the pad itself making these a lasting option for even the die-hard skater.

Affordable Price

As far as we are concerned, spending extra money on something like knee and elbow pads for skateboarding will save you money, (and bone density) in the long run. However, for some, this extra chunk of change isn’t always available and so, the sets of padding chosen for this review will keep you out of the sickbay and won’t dig too deep into your wallet either. Finding a balance is certainly not a challenge in today’s market.

Other Factors

One of the biggest reasons people don’t wear kneepads is because they can be clunky and make movement difficult, but these Pads boast complete protection, without restricting movement, which in turn makes wearing the kneepads easier. Another common issue is obtaining the proper size when it comes to fitting right, pads are no exception, and manufacturers offer different sizing. Be sure to check for an included sizing chart to get the right fit.

Our Decision

The three pads for skateboarding below are from trusted names in protective equipment and have been used by many people over the years. The updated models shown below are even more comfortable and protective than what you may have used before. They are sure to make you more confident at the skate park or wherever you need some extra padded protection.

Our Top Choice: Pro-Tec Street Gear Skate and Bike Knee Pads

protec knee pads

At just $30, The Pro-Tec street gear skate pads are an awesome choice for the beginning skater or the veteran who’s looking to keep his or her joints intact. The impact-resistant cap attached with reinforced rivets is comfortably cushioned on the inside and held on by adjustable web straps, and Velcro attachments.

This is a competition-quality kneepad designed for most action sports, but perfect for skateboarding. It is ergonomically designed and will stay on you during the craziest of tricks.

It is one of the first choices because of the amount of positive feedback in online reviews and also the price is manageable. Also because it is from Pro-Tec, a brand that even skaters can trust.

>>> See Specifications & Read Customer Reviews on Amazon! <<<




Great for the Knees: Triple 8 KP 22 Knee Pads


Now here is an example of knee and elbow pads for skateboarding from another trusted brand Triple-Eight. These pads offer the same awesome protective features and manufacturing quality as the Pro-Tec pads, but at a slightly higher price. Nonetheless, these pads feature a tapered finish around the caps, making them streamlined for increased mobility and less of that bulky feel.

The KP 22 is one of the most durable kneepads on the market and it has a “flat cap” design, which is said to last longer. It also includes high-quality interior foam and the same heavy-duty cap rivets that most experienced equipment users look for in a pad. For these reasons, the Triple Eight KP 22 kneepads for $34.54 are a solid runner-up on this list.

>>> See Specifications & Read Customer Reviews on Amazon! <<<




Great for the Elbows: 187 Killer Elbow Pads

187 killer elbow pads

The 187 killer elbow and kneepads for just over $25 are the third on the list, but not because they are any less protective or of any lesser quality. These pads, like the Triple 8’s above feature the same streamlined design for less bulk, and they also have a contoured shape (rather than the flat-top design), as well as seamless interiors for a good fit and comfort during prolonged use.

As far as pads go, these, along with the two choices above will serve even veteran skaters and for a cool price too.

>>> See Specifications & Read Customer Reviews on Amazon! <<<




When it comes to protection, nothing helps in skating better than a set of pads. Though some models are bulky and restrictive, companies like these have stepped up to the plate and catered to the niche group of individuals looking for heavy-duty performance, with that lightweight feel. In any event, padding can help offer the skater or other extreme sports athlete more confidence and less damage to your body.

Thank you for reading and good luck with your choice!

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